At KGL, we are aware that for our business to prosper and attain sustainability, it is critical that we leverage our resources, services, and expertise and engage our employees actively and effectively to address important issues such as the environment, health, education, community development, relief operations, culture, and arts. We work in full collaboration with public and non-profit organizations to make people’s lives better and attain sustainability.
Education is vital to usher in progress and development among individuals and people in the communities. KGL takes great pride in seeking every opportunity to help in the advancement of education in the communities we serve by providing educational materials and scholarship grants to deserving students as well as sponsoring educational events, programs and initiatives.
Sustainability means acting responsibly on behalf of future generations to achieve economic, environmental and social progress. KGL is seizing unparalleled opportunities to promote the sustainable development of our customers and our own organization. We adopt environment-friendly policies and strategies to promote eco-balance and spearhead environmental events and initiatives. We encourage our own employees to be good citizens in all the communities we operate by inculcating in them the passion and spirit of volunteerism. Profitable long-term growth is our aim and this goes along with a sustainable society and environment.
KGL strongly supports the promotion of a society’s cultural heritage. Through our patronage of the arts and cultural sponsorship in the countries and communities in which we do business, we support various cultural events and programs aimed at promoting cultural awareness. KGL recognizes the importance of cultural promotion and preservation in sustaining a society’s identity and development.
KGL plays an active role in sustaining society’s development by organizing and sponsoring sports events geared toward the promotion of optimum health, fitness, and well-being of individuals. Sports can keep people physically healthy as well as develop their positive self-esteem or general self-worth that allows individuals to feel good about who they are and what they can do, while at the same time giving them the confidence necessary to meet the new challenges ahead.
KGL acts swiftly to deliver aid to communities in need, especially in times of natural disasters in the region and across the globe; such as: